Wednesday, September 12, 2012

strategies for not spending money (lyn)

I’m a list person.  Having one (actually I have two: immediate and long term) gives me a sense of accomplishment.  It’s hard for me to even understand how people function without one.  Just creating the list makes me feel as if I've done what's on it.

So, here's my list to encourage less spending. 

·      Avoid going into any stores. I am incapable of just browsing.

·     Avoid street fairs; I am easily lulled into buying stuff I don't need and don't really want.    
       Although years ago I did buy the most perfect bookmark at a street fair in Falmouth (  

·      Delete all emails beckoning with sample sales, special offerings, coupons, etc.

·     Unsubscribe from Inhabit, Living Social Local, Gilt, Sample Sally, Madison Avenue Spy, Bloomspot, Groupon, Amazon Local (nah, these I can’t walk away from, but I will try and purchase only those offers that lower the cost of things I would buy $5 for a $10 coupon at Starbucks, or $15 for a $30 coupon at D"Agastino, my local grocery store).

·      But these I can and did unsubscribe from:  Bluefly, Telecharge, Belle & Clive (I have no idea who they even are), Revolve Clothing, and MyHabit.

·      Toss catalogues before opening them; I can’t want what I don’t see (well, that’s not entirely true; I have a good imagination).

·      Eat in often  (this I am very good at).

·      Unplug utilities that are not being used.  (I tried this strategy for a day but concluded it was a stupid one.  I unplugged the TV in the living room that I barely use.  Then I wanted to use it and it took me 15 minutes to find the right cords to plug back in.  I mean really, what am I saving here… 50 cents a month?).

·      Buy in large quantities (or sizes) when it makes sense (things that don’t expire, like toilet paper, laundry detergent, dish detergent, and paper towels). 

·      Check freezer and eat what’s there before it’s too late. (I know that frozen food is safe to eat, regardless of how long it’s been frozen, but taste can be compromised.  The other day I gave my handyman a $22 Fresh Direct vacuum-sealed package of loin lamp chops that had been frozen since June 2011.  And today I threw out my Costco Brie wheel that I froze at the same time; my handman has no interest in Brie).

·      Remove my Amex card from my wallet.  This I haven’t done yet.  If I did, it would be a symbolic gesture since I have my number and security code memorized.  But yes, it is something to consider.

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