Wednesday, September 19, 2012

ouch!!! (lyn)

Let me start here:  I have a high tolerance for pain.  My son was born with no epidural.  A doctor reset my broken pinky finger with no numbing.  Needles generally don’t bother me.

The other day I notice a gigantic-sized something in a highly sensitive spot.  It’s larger than a pea, swollen and red.  It feels like a huge lump under the skin.  I do some medical research online and rule out anything serious.

Today I go to my dermatologist.  My doctor takes a look and tells me this lump, which is actually a very large pimple, is infected and needs to be drained.  I ask her if it’ll hurt and she inaudibly mumbles something and quickly leaves the room.

A nurse comes in and tells me she’s going to numb the area so the doctor can actually cut this ugly thing open, drain it, and administer a shot of Cortisone.  I lie down on the table and expect searing pain; I am not disappointed.  It takes about five shots in different locations around the infected area.  Each shot is horribly painful, and there are just so many of them.  I honestly don’t remember Alexander’s birth being this painful; though it did take longer.

Recovery is quick.  I leave feeling fine.

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