Friday, October 26, 2012

a very special screening (lyn)

My nephew Michael moved to LA after graduating college in 2008.  All his family and friends live in New York; his two older and adored brothers wanted him to share their apartment;  and well, the odds of making it in the entertainment industry are not good.  But Michael was determined, and off he went.

Michael gets to Hollywood and it’s every bit as difficult as everyone told him it would be.  But he works hard, and has talent.  A couple of years ago he was a finalist in a Pepsi contest, and his winning commercial aired on the Super Bowl.

Then this year, Michael wrote, directed and starred in a movie, This Thing With Sara  I watched it this summer.  When he asked my opinion, it was easy to give.  The movie is great and demonstrates his impressive skills.  A big Hollywood agency agreed and signed him on.

Tonight, Michael is in New York, and is hosting a screening for his friends and family in Tribeca.  100 people come, and no one has to pretend when the lights come up.  This movie is very very good.

I have no doubt the world will soon know what his family and friends have known for a while — this young man, who used to send his parents cards from camp, with a smiley face above a drawing of him at home, and a sad face above a drawing of him at camp — is a skilled writer, an artful director, and a very capable actor.  One day, Michael will grace the cover of People.  Of this I am sure.

Abbey, me and my mom

My sister and her family

Jason, Michael and Adam

1 comment:

  1. Your Mom is gorgeous!! Should be introduced as your *girlfriend* . . .
