Sunday, November 25, 2012

lasagna and brownies (m)

One of my favorite episodes of Friends is when Rachel (Jennifer Aniston's character) attempts to make a trifle for Thanksgiving dinner.  The problem is, some of the pages in the cookbook stuck together and, when she turned the page for the trifle recipe, she inadvertently picked up midway into a lamb stew recipe.

Obviously, it was a disaster.  The only person who found it edible--and asked for seconds--was Joey.

My Cousin Patty wouldn't find that funny.  I think she would be intrigued by the possibilities of new and endless food combinations.

On Thanksgiving Day, my nephews made a pit stop to Cousin Patty's house.  She was in full production, house ablaze with Sternos heating up trays of food.  She began serving dinner at noon and people came in shifts.

Here's the menu:

Baked macaroni and cheese
Mashed Potatoes
Cranberry Sauce
Assorted dinner rolls and corn bread
Creamed Onions
Sweet Potatoes
Green bean casserole

6 assorted pies
Dishes upon dishes of candy-Lindt truffles, M&Ms (plain and peanut), Reese's peanut butter cups
S'mores bars (brought by a guest who made them)
Homemade cookies.

Oh, there were six guests scheduled for dinner.

My nephews Chris and Michael and Michael's girlfriend C stopped by to drop off Aunt X and say hello.

Patty: You're not going anywhere until you eat
Chris, Mike and C: We can't eat.  We are having dinner at Uncle J's house.
Patty: Please!  You won't eat until 5 o'clock
The boys: Yes, but they are expecting us at 2 p.m.
Patty: Yeah, so you can stare at carrots and celery for three hours. Get a plate.  I'll be insulted if you don't eat here.

So they did. The stuffed themselves.  In between the pasta course and the traditional Thanksgiving course, Patty takes out her brownies and offers them to Michael's girlfriend.

Patty: C! Try these.  My best batch ever.
C: Uh, okaaay.  I was going to have some turkey, though.
Patty: Yeah, okay.  You have to try these brownies first.  The turkey can wait.

When Chris, Michael and C arrived at my brother J's house, they were near comatose from having eaten way too much.

C, who is from Oregon and had just met Patty for the first time asked, "Do you normally have dessert in between food courses?"

Only at Patty's.

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