Thursday, November 8, 2012

hey readers, can you interpret this for me?

I am sound asleep when my phone rings.  It’s M.  She’s calling to tell me why she doesn’t like the book she’s reading.  Then she wants to tell me about her dream last night.  I don’t like when people tell me their dreams; I don’t find other people’s dreams interesting.  So with some trepidation I will tell you mine.  I’d love to know what it means.  But feel free to skip this if you, like me, find other people’s dreams boring.

I am in some place where all these little booths are set up.  I need to shower and have no soap, towel, etc.  I am running from booth to booth trying to accumulate the things I need.  My sister Valerie is at one booth.  She generously hands me a minute sample-sized tube of an expensive shampoo to use.  I decline as there is hardly any left and I don’t want to use the whole thing.  I walk a little further and someone gives me a big salmon-colored towel that is a promotional item — they have tons of them and tell me I can keep this one.  Someone else gives me soap, and a razor so I can shave my hairy legs.

I know that showering will be a very long process, and am in awe of people who can do it quickly.

I carry all the stuff I have and everything keeps dropping;  it’s difficult to pick up the dropped articles up as my hands are overloaded. 

Then I can’t find a place to shower.  Another women and I end up on a Ulysses-like quest for a place to shower that doesn’t have hour-long lines.  Suddenly we are on a beach and there is a beautiful all-glass house, with a family leaving it.  We ask if we can use their shower (they tell us they have many) and we go inside.

We open the first bathroom door and the bathroom is far less luxurious than the rest of the modern open house. Towels are strewn everywhere and the tub is filled with murky water.  I think I see a man submerged, except for his head, arms and toes.  My friend doesn’t see him.

We go to another bathroom and I see the same thing, only this time my friend sees the man too.

I ask if these people are dead and she tells me they’re not.

We go to a third room and there is a guy in an S&M, black studded leather outfit suspended from some complicated set of chains everywhere.  He is alive, and not in any sort of discomfort.  We leave him.  Walk some more, and find a public shower hall.

We go in and find a big cavernous room with one shower head.  We soap up, and the soap I am using turns purple, bubbly and sticky over my body.  It looks like I am wearing an avant-garde piece of clothing.  It is somewhat becoming.

Then we are on the street again.  I leave behind all the articles I borrowed.  My new friend tells me it’s okay because no one expects them back.

The end.  Weird, huh?  What does it all mean?  I am open to any interpretations.


  1. This is easy . . . it is either . . .

    1. a classic anxiety dream

    2. a reaction to something you ate/drank last night

    (I used to get violent dreams . . . whenever I drank root beer. I had to give it up. Hahahaha on me!)

  2. I'm just glad you woke up...who knows what would have happened if you kept sleeping!! Probably naked in the street when the purple bubbles all popped!
