Monday, December 3, 2012

woman troubles (m)

I once walked into a room where my mother and aunts had been talking.  The conversation stopped dead in its tracks.  I had overheard something about "poor Clare.".\

Me: What's wrong with Clare?
Them: Woman Troubles

Clare, as it turned out, had breast cancer. 

This scenario would play out multiple times over the years.  Aunt Y had "woman troubles." She had a hysterectomy.  My mother had "woman troubles."  One of the last things my father said to me was "make sure she keeps getting her check-ups for down there."  She had uterine cancer which was detected early only because I remembered what he said and persuaded her to make an appointment for her annual Pap Smear.

I've been having "woman troubles" of my own. 

Last Friday, I had a uterine and vaginal ultrasound.  The results were "abnormal but not worrisome."

I am waiting for an appointment with my gynecologist to see where we go from here.

So, if you are having woman troubles of your own, get checked.  Now.

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