When the phone rings after dinner in our house, my husband usually doesn't pick it up saying, "You know it's for you." The few times he does get it, I hear a shout from upstairs. "M! Pick up the phone! It's V/Susan/Lyn/Mary/!"
One night last week, the phone rang. He didn't call for me. I continued cleaning up after dinner. A while later, I went to use the phone downstairs. I see a light on the phone indicating "line in use". Did he forget to hang up from that previous call?
I pick up the phone. I recognize Lyn's voice.
Me: Are. You. Talking. To. Lyn??????
T: Yes, we're discussing politics.
It was the longest conversation they've ever had.
This morning, as we are leaving New York, I tell T we have to stop by Lyn's to give her something she left when she was last in Boston.
Lyn comes downstairs and asks if we want to go to breakfast.
Breakfast is my husband's favorite meal. He jumps at the opportunity.
We sit down and have a leisurely meal. The food looks great. The portions are ridiculous.

I'm optimistic Lyn and T will have a nice conversation.
The television is on in the diner. Andrew Cuomo is talking about the utility companies' response to the hurricane.
My husband starts. "I can't stand Andrew Cuomo. I liked his father but I don't like him." Lyn likes Andrew Cuomo.
I lose my appetite.
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